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Dissociative Amnesia – Causes and Treatment

Dissociative fugue (DFO) is a form of amnesia, and is distinguished by a total loss of memory related to the person’s behavior.

Dissociative Amnesia - Causes and Treatment normally, as their mind

A dissociative fugue state cause complete loss of emotional connecting memory, resulting in an individual forgetting who they are. The person begins to wander, sometimes not quite going anywhere, and sometimes not very far before memories return, and sometimes going long distances and beginning a new life.

Dissociative fugues can result from trauma, or as a result of drug abuse, alcohol abuse, chemical abuse, or even just being in a stressful situation for long periods of time. Some individuals may be able to cope with the symptoms of the fugue state and resume normal daily activities. Others will become so psychologically disturbed that it is impossible to function normally, as their mind has become so fragmented that they cannot remember what happened to them before they became stuck in their fugue state.

When individuals become caught in a fugue state, it is important that they seek medical attention as it can cause serious damage to their memory loss. This will also lead to psychological problems in both the victim and the perpetrator.

Dissociative amnesia is caused by the brain’s inability to properly connect a memory with the rest of the mind.

Dissociative Amnesia - Causes and Treatment There are many different treatments

This leads to an individual experiencing a dissociative state of “split consciousness”, and with the help of a psychiatrist, they can overcome the symptoms of the fugue state. In most cases, the first step to overcoming the fugue state is for a patient to identify the reason why he or she is having difficulty with his or her memory. It is important to have a good diagnosis of the dissociative condition before any treatment can begin.

Dissociative amnesia can cause the victim to suffer from extreme anxiety, panic attacks, or depression, and some may require hospitalization and psychological therapy. Many times, the victim will only realize that he or she has a fugue state after they have suffered from one or two attacks, making it extremely important to recognize the symptoms early on.

Medications and psychotherapy are often recommended when a person is suffering from a dissociative condition. Often the underlying cause of the condition can be cured with therapy.

It is important to note that while the symptoms of a dissociative state are very unpleasant, they are often mistaken as something more serious. People who have been victims of a dissociative state will usually feel confused and distressed, but it is important to remember that the condition is not as serious as it appears at first.

If you believe that you may be suffering from a dissociative condition you should consult your doctor immediately.

Dissociative Amnesia - Causes and Treatment condition worsens, it

You should also consult with a psychiatrist if the symptoms last for longer than three months or so. If you suspect that you may have a dissociative state, it is best to visit your family physician for treatment.

Once you have determined that you do in fact have a dissociative state, your doctor can then prescribe medication for you. The medications may include sedatives, antidepressants, beta blockers, beta-blockers, and tranquilizers.

There are many different treatments available to help treat the condition. However, if the medications you are taking don’t seem to work or if the condition worsens, it is important to speak to your doctor about possibly using hypnotism or neurosurgery.

Sometimes behavioral techniques such as biofeedback, hypnotherapy, and cognitive techniques like biofeedback and meditation can be used to treat the fugue state. These techniques work by helping patients to improve their memory recall, increase self awareness, and learn to control their thoughts.

If none of the above work, or if the fugue condition does not improve, it may be necessary for you to seek the services of a psychiatrist or psychologist in order to get the help you need. There are several psychotherapists that specialize in treating fugue conditions.

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