Intersex is an umbrella term that describes a range of conditions, from conditions that result from genetic anomalies such as Down syndrome, or conditions that result from the presence of an extra X chromosome. Other conditions that fall under this umbrella include androgens (male hormones) or estrogens (female hormones), androgenic hypogonadism, mosaic inheritance, and polycystic …
Category: Bronze Post
Buying Products From African Black Soap – Tips
African black soap is a type of soap originated in West Africa. It’s usually made from peels from locally grown African shrubs and black nuts, making the soap it’s own distinctive dark color. This soap is very versatile and you can use it to moisturize, soften and cleanse the skin, as well as for hair …
Effective Glycolic Acid – The Secret Behind Whiteheads Removal
Many people have acne breakouts, whiteheads and blackheads. Whiteheads are mostly caused by some health conditions, but excessive oil, some skin products, dust, and other elements are also common causes of the development of whiteheads on our skin. Whiteheads can be caused by hormonal or genetic factors, women that wear heavy make-up frequently also come …
Preventing Burping – What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Throat Mucus
There are many different reasons why people do not know how to control their belching. It can be very embarrassing to have to deal with the other person’s eyes rolling back in their head. In fact, burping can often lead to the other person looking for an outlet. People who have this issue may have …
How To Treat A Brown Recluse Spider Bite
Brown recluse bites are probably one of the worst of all spider bites. So, how does a brown recluse spider bite look? There are several different types of brown recluse spider bites, but the first one is the brown recluse spider bite. Here are some symptoms you will experience if you have been bitten by …
Caffeine and Anxiety
Caffeine has a strong central nervous system stimulating effect of the methylxanthine group. It is by far the most widely consumed caffeine stimulant. Unlike many of its other caffeine-based counterparts, it is not regulated and illegal in all areas of the United States. In mammals, caffeine is known to cause vasodilation and stimulation of certain …
Symptoms of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
Carbon Monoxide (CO) is an odorless gas. However, it is highly toxic. It can lead to death and sudden illness. Carbon Monoxide is usually found in gas leaks, like those caused by vehicles and heaters, gas lines, and other cooking devices. It can also be found in chimneys, ventilation ducts and air ducts. If you …
Understanding How CBD For Anxiety Can Help You
The benefits of using CBD oil for anxiety are many. In fact, it is being used all over the world as an effective way to treat anxiety and panic disorders. First of all, there is the medical aspect. Many experts believe that CBD has numerous medical benefits. In particular, a 2020 paper by Brazilian scientists …
The Use of Colored Contact Lenses For People With Heterochromia
Heterochromia is a visual disorder that causes an uneven coloration of the iris of one’s eye. In the majority of cases, a person with hirsutism has the condition of central heterochromia, wherein their eyes have different types of iris colors. For example, the iris of one’s left eye may appear lighter or darker than the …
What is Chemotherapy?
Chemotherapy is essentially a form of chemotherapy treatment, which uses a variety of anti-cancer drugs in conjunction with a standard chemotherapy protocol. Chemotherapy can be administered for a variety of different reasons, but most commonly chemotherapy is administered as a means of extending the lives of cancer patients and to relieve their symptoms. Chemotherapy can …