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What Causes Hemorrhoids – A Complete Guide


What causes hemorrhoids? There's no definite answer to that question. The root causes of this embarrassing ailment can range from obesity to an unhealthy lifestyle, but regardless of how they came to be there, hemorrhoids still exist.


A hemorrhoid is a Latin term meaning "is filled with blood". Hemorrhoids occur when the veins that are present inside the rectal or anal area become swollen and inflamed due to an increase in pressure. This increased pressure results in the bulging out and causing pain, sometimes even to the point of requiring surgery. While the causes of hemorrhoids may vary, the same underlying problem exists.


These large veins help to move the waste and other matter from the body out through the anus or rectum. When the vein becomes irritated or swollen the natural flow of blood is stopped and the material and waste are allowed to accumulate. Because the tissue surrounding the hemorrhoid becomes irritated and inflamed the waste then becomes difficult to pass. If the pressure continues, it can eventually protrude from the anus and into the stools. This then leads to the bleeding and the painful sensation caused by hemorrhoids.


One of the main causes of this condition is obesity. It is not uncommon for people to be overweight because of their busy lifestyles. This means that their digestive systems have a much smaller scope of action compared to those of normal weight people. This is because their large veins are unable to support the extra weight.


Because of this, it becomes increasingly difficult for the large vein to function properly, resulting in the build-up of waste and the inflammation of the anal area. It can become swollen and inflamed to such an extent that it is almost impossible for one to pass stools and relieve themselves comfortably.


This is exactly why it is important for anyone to lose excess weight. Not only does it prevent you from becoming overweight, but it also makes it easier to flush out the waste from your body as well. As such, your anal area will become less obstructed and therefore you will be able to pass stools more easily. and reduce the chances of you getting hemorrhoids.



What causes the hemorrhoid in women is often caused by being overweight


Obesity increases the possibility of having veins in and around the rectal area become enlarged and hard to pass. This makes it difficult for the area to maintain the proper pressure needed to get rid of waste and move waste away. This, in turn, causes these veins to be hard and swollen, thus causing the hemorrhoid.


This may sound like a cruel joke, but unfortunately this is the case with female anatomy. Therefore, in order to reduce the likelihood of hemorrhoids, it is important for women to lose weight. To cope with excess weight, you can use garcinia cambogia adalah. Even if you have managed to lose weight, you should exercise and eat properly to avoid constipation and other problems that can contribute to the development of this condition. As you lose weight, your skin around your anal area will become softer as well.


Some types of medication are known to cause hemorrhoid, including chemotherapy drugs and antibiotics. If you are taking medication for cancer or a similar disease, you should make sure to check with your doctor before taking any medications. Some medications like cortisone are actually very effective at reducing swelling and therefore are often used to treat hemorrhoid.


However, there are those who cannot take medications, including those with severe ulcers and those with very poor bowel movement. If you happen to have a disease or an ulcer then you are very unlikely to get hemorrhoids because this type of problem is much harder to treat. Other causes are pregnancy, being overweight, a weakened anal muscles and obesity. The only way to find out what causes hemorrhoids in women is to consult with your doctor and determine the best course of treatment.


One of the best treatments available is to find a natural cure for hemorrhoids that will help you get rid of hemorrhoid, but do not forget to consult your doctor. Even though your doctor knows exactly what causes the hemorrhoid, you may not know your own body well enough to use the correct treatment. In addition, your doctor can prescribe a course of treatment which will help reduce the pain and swelling, as well as the risk of infection.


There are several hemorrhoid cures that have been proven to work, although most of them involve diet and exercise. However, many of these remedies take a long time to show their full effect and usually they are very expensive. For this reason, it is often best to consult a doctor who can provide you with the necessary information to decide which of the remedies is best for your particular situation.

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